Red Flags I Should Have Seen 2013–2014


Photo By Zachary  on unsplash

Lee Stobby,

On May 5th, 2017 without my consent, you exposed me to a potentially deadly disease, according to what you told me on May 7th, 2017 just as we were about to hook up again. Ever since then my life has never been the same.

Photo by : Goh Rhy Yan On Unsplash

Honestly though, the entire time I knew you there were red flags I should have seen. I had known you since 2013 (we “dated” for all of a week and a half in November 2013 after meeting on Tinder and then had an ethically murky one night stand on April 19th 2014).

Upon reflection, even on our first date in November 2013, there were some red flags, particularly surrounding alcohol. We were drinking at the Surly Goat, and I was going to leave after three rounds and you encouraged me to stay. We had just discovered that I had just had a meeting with someone you worked with who had recently left the company, and you wanted to keep insulting/gossiping about them. After a few more rounds, we left and you left some of your beer full, and had me finish it (and I believe you had me finish another that you “didn’t like”) and went to your nearby apartment.

You immediately physically came onto me though I was clearly drunk, pulling out my penis and very aggressively planting your tiny wood-chipper mouth on it; you were clearly in control of your faculties, which I wasn’t as though I remember the situation, I ejaculated quickly. I was embarrassed but you continually remarked that it was “so hot” and that I must have been so turned on; I wasn’t. I was actually in a great deal of pain from your sharp teeth, and mildly embarrassed I went home with you. I’m glad I don’t drink anymore).

I ended things (for numerous reasons including your arrogance, how toxic most of your friends seemed, the fact that I met someone I liked better, my lack of physical attraction to you, our lack of sexual compatibility etc. , but the reason I later gave you when prompted was the incompatibility of your sharp teeth and my endowment).

I remember weeks of drunken messages/texts inviting me to karaoke and about “needing strong male figures” in your life, before we became platonic friends (or so I thought, a couple of months later in early 2014).

April 19th 2014, we had had been drinking together as platonic friends at various restaurants/bars throughout the day. We had a six pack I bought us at Trader Joes (I believe “make your own” with Full-sail; I think we bought something else too). I believe we had some hard liquor at your apartment also but don’t remember exactly what. We watched some TV and some AFI screeners as one of them was directed by a high school classmate of mine.

Photo by : Karim MANJRA On Unsplash

Photo by : Quentin Dr On Unsplash

At your insistence, we then went to Whole Foods and got a six-pack, of Great Divide Rumble I believe. We were both very drunk, or so I thought. 

You came onto me on your couch and we went in your room and had sex. I spent the night. Why ethically murky?

I say “ethically murky one-night stand” because, the next morning when I woke up, still not feeling great about having slept with you, I went to clean up your living room before you got up and was dismayed to find that while all of my beers were completely empty, most of yours were nearly full.

I felt as if you had intentionally pretended to drink more and encouraged me to do so in order to get me drunk and then into bed. 

After I picked up your living room April 20th 2014, I got on the bus at like 6:30 or 7am and went home feeling confused and depressed.

I should have never spoken to you again. I avoided you for like a month until, when after I had been out to happy hour with a friend AND then had drinks on an impromptu tinder date, you begged me to come to karaoke with you and your friend Kailee and another girl.

You had always been inviting me to karaoke and I was drunk, so even though I was mistrusting of you, I foolishly just wanted to have a good time singing.

I remember after you all publicly humiliated me and I quickly left, I texted you about how discounted I felt and how I didn’t want to be friends. You immediately wrote on twitter something to the effect of, if not exactly, “I don’t break for nobodies”. I had no interest in speaking to you again.

Photo by : Frank Alarcon On Unsplash

Clarke Fitzsimmons(continued in part two)
